1 October 2012

Dhammikaville, Herts, UK

1st October. Early again. Prolonging the process of waking up however desirable isn’t an option. Alarm off at 6pm. The steady drizzle all night now a downpour as I lie in bed and listen to the steady patter of raindrops against the windows. It doesn’t look to cease, and reluctantly common sense emerges a winner as I am finally out of bed by 6.28am. Usual porcelain pinnacle and wash thereafter. Recent DIY on my downstairs’ bog cum smoking room does rid of the sleepy feeling that threatens to linger.

Common sense dawns again as my grandiose but foolish plan of taking a year off to finish the book finally succumbs to reality.

Everything works out to plan, there is no wider plan of the gods, and it’s really facing up to reality and 
getting on with it. As much as it’s boring WYSIWYG and e-commerce right now is my best option to irk a living. Boring, straightforward work but it does enable me to otherwise conduct occasional workshop and the rest from home, the practical aspects of digital marketing, your physically not required to work out of an office environment, all the is required where ever you are is a god broadband connection and a laptop.

A laptop especially enables one to sit in the local Starbucks, people watch, use the free wi-fi and get some work finished. Other than Friday’s from about 9am to 2 in the afternoon when Starbucks is taken over by a flotilla of prams pushed by a bevy of yummy mummy’s from nearby Elstree. Going in for a latte at about this time is not recommended for obvious reasons inclusive of dribbling babies, misbehaving toddlers and prams blocking fire exits.

Today mainly due to the wet weather it’s a quick game of football in the morning with Jasper our dog and logging into the various websites that require my administration. Today’s just down to three, so it allows me time to take a quick peep to see how many newcomers have taken the bait to supply me with their personal details, name, age group, profession, income bracket, tel, email and if lucky an address. All automatically added to a rapidly growing excel spreadsheet. The wonder of the Internet.  For only the Internet promises the statement, nothing in life is free, to ring untrue. Honestly, nothing in life is free. Yes you do have the option to opt out and I am then legally bound to delete you from any databases I may collect your information.

Thankfully, it’s the last quarter of the year. The goals and budget targets in April are nothing but a bad memory. From today everyone will be forced into Christmas cheer. In my case I need little persuading. Even as Buddhists, Christmas is too good a holiday to pass and we celebrate everything about the birth of Jesus, other than midnight mass.

So October has come, so has the rain. The fish in the water barrel swim around and up and down enjoying the fresh rainwater. Jasper happy, wet and muddy after the football. Me; email switched on, ipad, macbook and mobile all ready… I am going now. Chick peas, toast and sunny side up eggs breakfast, followed by loads of black coffee. Lunch meeting in the city, more coffee (Tall soy latte with three shots) from the Baker Street Starbucks, loads of bullshit trying to sell some of the databases I am building, maybe quick visit to ‘Gentleman’s Tonic’ for a wet shave and late lunch at BusaBar. All despite the rain I will walk to. 

I have to go now; it’s past 9.30am, the cheap time to go the city by train due to lower fares after morning rush. No more running at 8am, for now. Tomorrow, who knows maybe again, and again, and again? Repeat until you die.

Last night I dreamt of you

Tonight I hope I will again.

"Life can always be better, it never is".

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